Thursday, May 29, 2008

My Friends the Raccoons

I had another visit from Mr or Mrs Raccoon last night ( I wasn't about to offend by inquiring gender). Seems ad though they wanted something to eat. I woke up and hung all food and all bags from branches only to find that FL raccoons are a
domesticated species. I'm sure that if I wanted the raccoon would have taken food from my hand. As it was, he would only get about 8 to 10 ft away from me unless I started making noise and waving my arms.

I woke up around 5:30 this morning and was on the road around 6:30 am. Time to beat the heat. After 3 pm you don't really want to be on the road. From 1 pm to 3 pm it's hot enough to wear you down twice as fast as normal. Lots of water and a slow afternoon pace keep me moving for a little bit longer though. This morning I've been flying at a 20-22 mph pace. Only 6 hours of riding today if I keep this up. Battery is dying so I'll be back later to tell you all about St. Augustine Florida.

stay cool



Unknown said...

Brad, Jeanne gave me your web site and I have accomplished absolutely NOTHING today except read all your interesting stories of your trip! You write very well and it makes for a fantastic read. Now that I'm up to date,I'll make your web site a daily check-in.Keep well and safe rest of your trip, Jeann's Mom,Barb

Brad said...

Hi Barb,

I'm very glad you're able to follow along. If you read the whole blog then I'd say you accomplished something today. Thanks for posting.
