Friday, May 16, 2008

Can somebody please get me to Arlington!!!!!!

I'm going to start off from the beginning and then hopefully I can guide you to Arlington. So, the buttermilk biscuits were fantastic and I went back to the hostel to prepare to the day. I'm very fortunate because not only do I have a great family that posts comments and keep me motivated but I'm also marrying into a family that is willing to take me in for the night, feed me Thai food, educate me on the complete insanity surrounding our current political situation, and just be all around great people. Thanks Karen, Rob and Jacob.

Now, as I was saying I left Baltimore at about 11am. I also miscalculated the mileage by about 20 miles, hit a bunch of hills and stop signs, spent way too much time finding the Rock Creek bike path, got lost, bushwacked through the forest, and nearly lost my mind. I was 4 hours late, cold, wet, dirty, hungry, and feeling like crap. I met about three groups of people who couldn't give me directions and two more who knew a better way for me then what I already had on the map. "Just go on highway 410 until you hit Connecticut, then cross 6 lanes of traffic and, oh wait did I say Connecticut? I should have said Wisconsin" Umm, did you notice I'm on a bike, with a trailer, an extra 5 lbs of sticks and leaves coming out from every nook because of the 30 minute trek through the only forest near DC, and I'm having a day that's about one notch above pulling four wisdom teeth without painkillers. Just about then her friend chimes in with a better route. Thanks ladies, time for me to go!!! After that all, I met a guy on a bike who was going to a friends house three blocks from where I needed to be. Amazing!!!! We talked the whole way and he works for a nonprofit that deals with sustainable community issues. He also snapped a couple of pictures for me and really helped me get my head back in the game. I finally reached my destination with scraped up legs, cramping thighs, sore feet/butt/neck/etc to find that a hot shower, good food and comfortable bed were all a moment away. All's well that ends well.

Here Are some quick highlights.

Love Baltimore, great city that Jenni and I need to spend some time in.
Ellicot City outside of Baltimore is a clean brick and stone built town with a great vibe. Need to visit that place.
I want to get a cyclocross bike. That is just good dirty fun and after riding all those super slick bike trails today I realize how much fun that sport must be.
Hostels are cool, the people that you meet in them are even cooler.
Don't talk to somebody while riding down wet, twisty, leaf covered bike paths...they will crash.
and lastly, don't think about the 1600 miles you have left to go, day by day is the only wayto make it.

Until tomorrow, may you always finish the day on a high note and never forget the people that helped you get there.


Anonymous said...

Hi this is your Dad (typing for Dad ) Dad says call when you are ready to make a purchase of a new bike he has an idea for you. So Dad is saying he loves getting lost because you see things you would not have but of course Mom gets nervouse but in the long run its all a thrill for all. So may your trails be on the right track and hope you always have fun. ps. Always look at the sky the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. ( Farmer George says so ) Love Dad and Mom

Anonymous said...

Hey Brad, Dad is loving knowing where you are and how much fun you are having he is so excited about your trip. So back to you getting lost, it is part of the trip (and we all like tripping) Getting lost can suck but when all is over and you found your way that is what you will talk most about and always remember. So happy trails enjoying your storys keepm coming. Bye the way biscuit you have not had untill you get to the real south but please dont forget the gravy!!!!!!!!!! Lori

Nick the Greek said...

I think I am going to be scared to ride with you when you get back. There is no way that I am going to be able to keep up.

Just keep this in mind as you are cranking up those hills: "No chain".

Anonymous said...

I'm with Nick. While you've been riding 100+ miles a day through the rolling terrain of the east coast, I've been riding 2 or 3 days a week for 15-20 miles, getting the pool open, and drinking a few beers. Keep riding and don't forget....that flight back is June 10th!

Anonymous said...

hey Brad,
We just started following your wonderful trip from Maine to florida. The boys are amazed that you are doing something so exhilarating. We hope that your trip stays steady and smooth. We will be following you. We
are thinking your legs must feel like they are going to give out. hope the weather is good. Enjoy.
Love your family from Saratoga Springs
Mike, Debbie, Brandon, Bryan Tallman

Unknown said...

That should be "Thanks Karen, Rob and Jacob! (JRE is upset he got left off!) It was great having you -- hope you did not get hit with the rain today. See u in July.

Brad said...


Very sorry I left your name off there buddy. Don't think I forgot about you're a blueberry pancake eating machine!!!


Jen said...

Cyclocross? Oh brother!