Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Leap

I've taken the leap, left my job and decided it's time to do something big. I don't think I've ever known anybody to say I make quick decisions and this one was no different, it has been a long time coming.

So, what does one do after they leave a perfectly good job right before getting married while paying for two houses that both need a ton of work??? Hey, why not go for a really long bike ride. So long in fact that you'll need to buy all the gear, do all the research and train to ride 2600 miles in two weeks.

I've always wanted to ride across country but I'm willing to take that dream, twist it slightly, cut it by a third and turn it into an Atlantic Coast ride. This ride will begin on or about May 3rd in Bar Harbor, ME and end around June 6th, 2008 in Key West, FL. I've told enough people about it that I'm totally and completely commited to doing this. Hopefully I can pull it off.

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